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A few years back, I had a job right by the Forest Lawn in Glendale. On a particularly miserable and stressful work day, I decided to go for a walk at the cemetery during my lunch break and I came across an older section of the grounds that had beautiful tombstones and monuments. One of the graves even had a bench carved into it, practically inviting me to make it my designated lunch spot, so I did. Several jobs later, I still long for my cemetery lunch breaks on that stone bench.

A few weeks ago I was feeling a little restless, so I grabbed my camera and headed back to the old spot. If you follow me on instagram, you saw a couple of stills that I captured during my visit.

Cemetery Still1

Cemetery Still2

I also did some filming that day, but hadn’t gotten around to editing the footage until recently. Enjoy a bit of darkness accompanied by the musical stylings of Florence + the Machine, because it’s never too early in the year for a good dose of “Memento Mori”.

Cemetery from Dinah on Vimeo.